What is the National ADAP Working Group?
Since 1996 the National ADAP Working Group (NAWG) - a project of the Community Access National Network (CANN) - has provided a unique national platform whereby we identify ongoing industry challenges, as well as work through various possible improved outcomes for patient care regardless of socioeconomic, ethnic, and racial disparities.
NAWG has been dedicated to bringing members of the HIV/AIDS community and industry together to engage in dialogue about actions surrounding the AIDS Drug Assistance Program and other programs.
Why is Membership to the National ADAP Working Group Important?
What is the Cost of Membership to the NAWG?
Due to our long history of success and all of the advantages that membership in the National ADAP Working Group provides to you, please consider a Gold, Silver, or Bronze Membership.
Gold Membership: $10,000
Silver Membership: $5,000
Bronze Membership: $2,500
For more information: Please email us here.